Friday, November 28, 2008

Sunday Scribblings #139: Winter

In summer I like to think of winter. I imagine all the cold places, like Alaska, Iceland and Antarctica, that I would like to visit. I add them to my list. I give them to my friends and family.
"This is what you can get me for Christmas," I tell them.
"You hate the cold," Boyfriend likes to inform me.
"No I don't."
"Yes you do, every winter you whinge about how cold it is and you refuse to go anywhere."
"This will be different."
"How so?"
"It'll be different."
He laughs, "You can't even stand the winter here, and it rarely drops below 10 °C. You wouldn't survive an Alaskan winter."
I ignore Boyfriend. I stomp into the bedroom. I grab a cardigan from my wardrobe. Boyfriend follows me.
"It's a balmy 25 degrees outside," he informs me (Boyfriend likes to tell me the temperature).
"So I'm cold."
He laughs again.
"I have tropical genes," I tell him imperiously.
He laughs even harder. I imagine a big fat "ex" scrawled on Boyfriend's forehead.

It is 38 °C, another unbearably hot Christmas Eve. I can't move. I'm glued to the leather lounge, held tentatively in place by my sweat. Boyfriend walks into the lounge.
"Here," he says handing me a package.
"For me!" I exclaim, slipping out of my ennui. I hastily tear at the wrapper. Boyfriend has given me a beanie, woollen gloves and a scarf.
He laughs at my unimpessed expression, "Read the card."
I open the card and read,"Let's have a winter wedding in Ireland."

Sundayscribbling prompt


Linda Jacobs said...

Oh, he's a keeper! This brought a lump to my throat! You told it so well!

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a lovely story! I hope it's true!

Rob Kistner said...

This was great Lilly!

My wife, the former Kathleen Elaine McCullough wants so much to see Ireland... we're going next year.

Giggles said...

Love the conversation throughout, and the finale was sweet! Well done!
Do hope it's true!

anthonynorth said...

A lovely story. I enjoyed that.

Roan said...

Oh how romantic! Great conversation, and loved the ending.

Doe said...

Excellent story!! and what a setting to tie the knot- ay the emerald isle :)


Lilibeth said...

What a great boyfriend. I hope it was a true story.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, how delightful!!!

Marja said...

Oh how romantic. What a wonderful adorable boy friend

Patois42 said...

A grand telling.

present said...

I love that you want winter even though you are reminded that you hate it. And then, in spite of the "ex" on boyfriends head, he acknowledges your wishes with winter paraphanalia and a marriage proposal.

Tammy Brierly said...

I'm a sucker for romance! Delightful Lily.

Mary said...

Oh! How fabulous! I love this!

Beth Camp said...

Nice surprise ending, sweet and romantic. You have a gift for witty dialogue AND humor. This was fun to read. Fiction or fact, I hope you enjoy your "winter in Ireland" one day!

*~sis~* said...

great feeling of very cold and very hot....and then a surprise ending :)