Friday, February 27, 2009

I was so tired on the way home from work Thurdsay afternoon, so I wasn't quite 'with it' when the I was pulled over by the booze bus police. In all my years of driving I've only ever been breath tested twice (this being the third), and as my grasp on technological breakthroughs - like my grasp on reality - is tentative to say the least, I wasn't quite sure what was happening when the copper shoved the breathalyzer in my face. My first thought was where do I blow as there was no nozzle. The policeman said something, which I completely missed (since I'd lost another 10% of my hearing after going to see Nine Inch Nails on Tuesday night - they were awesome by the way). I asked him to repeat it.
"Can you count to ten, ma'am." So I do, silently in my head.
"Out loud please." Oh, it was then I realised that the gadget he was holding to my mouth actually didn't require me to blow on anything. He must of thought I was an idiot. I know I felt like one.


"Sunshine" said...

Sorry for your misfortune, but it made for a cute read. I've always been afraid that I'd get pulled over while tired.

I was just thinking about you this morning--figured you'd been busy since I hadn't seen any posts out of you in a while. Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man. We've all had our "out of it" days. At least there wasn't any penalty. NIN must've been crazy, though.. Were you moshing people in the face?

Also, I managed to accidentally NOT delete my blog, so I'm gonna take it as a sign to keep it open.

Anonymous said...

Hey. I didn't delete The "Ingenious Ramblings" blog, but I've combined it with this new one, There won't be any more moves.

Haven't seen you update in a while though. How're things going?